
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Sick Boy-o

             My poor son, 9-month-old Aiden (whom I call boy-o or lovey), has been sick off and on for a while now. The first time he was sick I was terrified. I had this idea that one little cold would kill my baby boy. But that is not true, I am relieved to have discovered. However, it is still heart wrenching to hear your child congested and struggle to breath at night or coughing so hard he makes himself sick.
            The first time he was sick his temperature got up to 100.4. I was mortified and immediately wanted to rush him to the emergency room - this was a bit of an over-reaction, so I am told. I've found, so far, that there is nothing more scary than anything which threatens the life and comfort of your child.
            My doctor said he just needs alot of rest and fluids... just like a sick adult. He also said that children who attend daycare will seem like they are sick all-the-time, but later in school wont get sick as kids that didnt go to daycare. I am satisfied with that. Only there is this problem with missing school - for me. Daycare wont accept him when he's got a goober-face and a cough-so-hard-I-puke cough. I am more than happy to stay home and take care of my sick baby when he needs me. But it is getting difficult to keep up. I hope someone else is taking good notes that I can pilfer!! :)
          Right now he is peacefully napping with his Cloud B lamb that plays 4 different soothing sounds. They really help him to fall asleep. He used to SCREAM for nap time, but now he'll just fuss a little and curl up next to his lamby that I always put on 'heartbeat' mode. It is actually very soothing for me too, definetly more soothing than baby screams.

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