
Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden Dead.

Last nigt we got the news that Osama Bin Laden was killed in Pakastan by US operatives. Sunday President Obama gave a well spoken and emotionally charged speech which addessed the death of this 'murderer of muslims' and the devistation that the Spet. 11th attacks wreaked on our country.

I am reluctant to feel good and celebrate the death of another human being, mss murderer or not. The images of his corpse are frightening and do not at all look like he was just shot. It looks like he was badly beaten and possibly tortured. Some would say it is no less than he deserves. I am at odds. While I do beleive fire should be fought with fire I feel sickened. I suppose it is a cross to bear when considering the fight to save lives in the future. Osama was an extremist and a murderer. The world is better off without him.

Now that he is out of the picture I wonder who will step into his place as the new pathological leader of Al Qaeda? My husband is deployed right now and I am definetly concerned for his safety during this time. It seems they use any excuse to attack (especially American Holidays) and I am sure this will be a great excuse for them.

The news of Bin Laden's death will surely be a thing for our nation to celebrate, while arriving just in time for President Obama to secure a reelection favor. While I will be celebrating Bin Laden's demise I am more-of happy about the authority and power this acheivment gves back to the US in what has seemed along and fruitless war.

1 comment:

  1. I have read a lot of comments on other pages where people say they do not celebrate anyone's death, even an enemy. What do you think about this? In my opinion many people analyze life too much. Though there is a lot of gray area, some things are just black and white. Osama was evil! Evil in the sense that he targeted a group of people because they had different beliefs than his own. We should be glad that the world is rid of a man like this, and stop kidding ourselves. Will his death change anything? I don't know, but lets pray that this event does not make it harder for our troops.
