
Monday, May 2, 2011

Stumped By The Trump

Donald Trump is almost certainly running for presidency in 2012. He says he cannot outright say it now, due to the fact that Celebrity Apprentice is still running, but he says come June he will make the republican party very happy.

He is already announcing some outrageous claims that would be his standing on foreign policy. What I am interested in is his take on foreign oil. Being a big business man Trump is interested in making money and acquisition. He wants to make the US rich again. But at what cost? His ideas seem to verge on the immoral imperialistic standpoints the US adopted during the exploitation of the Congo where a major and horrific subjugation of the local peoples took place. The Las-Vegas Review Journal online has excerpts from the Review Journal’s interview with Trump where he explains his foreign policy regarding Iraq. To me, it doesn’t look good.

“We won the war. To the victor go the spoils. And maybe it's the old-fashioned way. You don't win a war and you leave. You win a war, and you stay and you take the oil.” He said on the Iraq war.

But some if it does sound very appealing, I can see why he is gaining support.

“Absolutely. At a minimum, you reimburse yourself for the trillion five ($1.5 trillion the United States has spent so far in Iraq) and you pay back the soldiers that were wounded, a couple of million dollars apiece. And the soldiers who were killed, you pay the families at least $2 million apiece at a minimum." He said when asked if he thought the US should take control of Iraq’s oil.

I am not exactly sure where I stand regarding this. I am opposed to Imperialism and worry that we would threaten other countries if we took this kind of plundering stance. I will have to investigate more fully into the history of Imperialism and how likely Trump is to follow through with his goals. And wouldn’t other countries like Britton be entitled to the oil as well?


1 comment:

  1. Conan O'Brien had it right when he said the minute Obama announced that (under his direction) Bin Laden was killed, so were Trump's chances of being president. Ha ha ha.
