
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Journalism Senior Capstone Predicament...

Okay, I am having a little difficulty coming up with a great topic for my senior capstone blog. If anyone ever will read my babblings, I have several ideas brainstormed and I really do need to choose my own but I want to know what is pressing you today? What is your clinching public policy that irks or inspires you to laugh aghast?
Everyone’s passionate about something. I think, given the parameters, it’d be easier to pick from such a broad area of public policy but we may also choose a topic underlining a critical issue facing the world of journalism today (the obvious go to would be how technology is effecting print).
I really think it would be a good idea, as I am making my own blog, to choose something that I am passionate about and that I can relate to. I am heavily leaning towards something in the military field. We have been having a lot of media focus on the military lately with the policy involving ‘don’t ask don’t tell,’ with soldier’s funeral’s being protested, with Libya and War in general. I am quite interested in these kind of topics because of my personal standpoint and circumstances. But this may be the very reason I should not make my schoolwork centered on anything military, inherent biases.
Then again, it’s a blog and should be passionate and interesting… Hmmm. A compromise, maybe? I have always been interested in European news and journalism and how people say that they have a cleaner system. It would be interesting to research and find out how/why/if it actually is better and do a comparative analysis… I think that is what I want to do… Sounds like a broad topic with lots of sticky bits to choose from! Yum, Yum! I’ll have to check up with my professor.
If, by chance, you stumble upon this anytime near the time I posted it – please do not comment on my topic, I don’t want to get in trouble for plagiarizing ideas. TY! (P.S, I am going to use any kind of format I want for my regular blogs but for my class blogs I have to use AP style!!).